Tag Archives: Scorpio

Time Zones; Iyar The Taurian Light

We Kabbalists are cautioned to avoid lunar Taurus, a month of abstention and traditional mourning customs, when contemplating new ventures.  Yet, as is true of all cosmic danger time zones, there is one day in Iyar when the light force is strong creating a propitious time for new ventures.  In Iyar this is the 18th day…A DAY OF POWER.

So, now in reviewing the “why” regarding these time zones:  The misfortune which takes place during these times is the result of negative cosmic forces.  The hazards and pitfalls that many of us encounter can be traced to our having come under the influence of these periods of negative energy.  Hence it is wise to be cognizant of the danger zones and careful to avoid them.  Certain times and places speak strongly of an underlying force responsible for a world of order and beauty.  Yet we cannot close our eyes to the pain, violence and chaos that make their presence so cruelly felt.  The problem rests with Dinim (ungovernable energy).  During monthly danger zones the energy of the Force is such that there is no revelation of the Shechinah (the God the Mother energy which assures the manifestation and stability of the Force)  At such times the dynamic intensity of the Force is so severe that no vessel is capable of making contact with or handling the energy of the Force, which thereby manifests as Dinim in the universe.

Taurus and Scorpio have much in common.  Both are months of universal negative energy, yet both contain days of immense positive energy.  Moreover, of all the signs of the Zodiac, they alone have been given additional names.  Scorpio acquired the Hebrew name “Bul”, which points to the idea of exactness, “on target” or “right on,” appropriate for Scorpio’s internal energy-intelligence;  Taurus has the distinctive pre-exilic name “Ziv” meaning “brightness” or “light.”  It is this attribute of “light” which is both the challenge of lunar Taurus and its saving grace.

 It was not by coincidence that the commencement of the Temple by King Solomon took place in the month of Taurus, and that its completion occurred in the month of Bul, which is the eight month sign of Heshvan and Scorpio.  These two months were carefully chosen by King Solomon to begin and end his endeavor.  Make no mistake in considering the possibility that it was his building contractors who could not begin earlier, or who by chance completed its construction n the month of Bul!

King Solomon, the Wise, a Kabbalist, understood the cosmos and the methods by which to tap its power.  Solomon knew that  completing the Temple in the month of Scorpio (Bul-exactness) would provide an infusion of spiritual energy-intelligence sufficient to fuel the Temple for some four hundred years.

 Regarding the eighteenth day of lunar Taurus, the Ari, Isacc Luria, in his discussion of this period (known by its code name Sefirat ha Omer), states that “this day” is the revelation of compassion by mystery of the code name Elokim Haim, living Lord.  An attachment with Binah (the supernal mother and 3rd energy-intelligence on the tree of life, Leah) consciousness takes place.  This idea is revealed by another coded energy-intelligence know as the Sefirah of Hod, the 8th energy intelligence on the tree of life.

 The Zohar points to the enormous power of Taurus in it’s discussion on the Tabernacle;  It is written:  “And the lord spoke unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai in the Tabernacle in the first day of the second month, etc.”  The Revelation on Mount Sinai correlates with the power of the sun (Ze’ir Anpin),  the Tabernacle to the moon (Malchut).  The second month is called Ziv, an allusion to the unusual circuitry between Ze’ir Anpin (Sun) and Malchut (Moon), when the worlds altogether found themselves in grand unification.

 The extrinsic and somewhat unruly atmosphere of this extremely high-powered time provides fair warning to those who are incapable of dealing with such a huge infusion of celestial energy.  Yet, spiritually minded individuals are strongly advised to begin a new venture on the eighteenth day of lunar Taurus, for success is all but assured.

 With Kabbalah we establish continuity and freedom from doubt by revealing the inner sanctum of the cosmos and by tapping its energy for the benefit and well being of all humankind.

               Iyar/Taurus 5774

April 30~ May 30, 2014

Day of Power

18th of Iyar

(Lag Baomer)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

And You Thought Scorpio Was Just The Sex Sign

And you thought Scorpio was just the sex sign!

Enter the sign of Scorpio and Eros. According to astrologer Richard I demon, the seduction of Eros occurs: “when two or more separate entities combine in such a way that they are totally transformed by the experience.” Scorpio and Eros are often typically associated with sex and sexuality. However, we are reminded that (unfortunately) not all sexuality is truly “erotic….” Not all experiences of our sexuality are truly transformative. And eroticism (contrary to popular belief) does not necessarily involve sexual union with another person…

Death of Ego
Eros always involves death of the ego, emotional merging, and shared transformation with another entity. For example – the passion of Eros can take place between the artist and the erotic object of her/his art.” Likewise, the emotional catharsis we experience in a crowded movie theater full of strangers will most likely be more truly erotic and intimate than a meaningless “jump in the hay” with a total stranger. Shocking thought, isn’t it.

Souls and Psyches
In The Love Journey of the Zodiac, Scorpionic Eros desires much more than the mere physical merging of bodies (that’s Taurus). Eros desires to merge souls and psyches. For erotic Scorpio, sex is not only for purposes of self-pleasuring. The erotic connection for Scorpio involves finding ways to give the other entity pleasure. The energy of Scorpio is inspired and stimulated by arousing, awakening, and transforming someone (or something) other than the self….

Archetypically, Taurean epithemia love is interested specifically in the lusty merging of bodies. Epithemia is sex for self-pleasure’s sake. Taurus might sometimes forget the other person’s there – but Scorpio never does… Eros is associated with Scorpio and Pluto, and with the passionate watery quality of love. This is a passionate love which involves pain and suffering.

Pain, Risk and Suffering
Eros implies that all love involves pain and risk. There’s a suffering quality to Eros, simply because we know that wonderful moment of ecstasy – that moment of psychically joining and merging – cannot possibly last forever.

Death:  Risk is present in Eros, because the merging of souls involves a death of the individual’s ego which may or may not result in rebirth and transformation with “the beloved.” There are no guarantees in Eros. But in order for something new to be born – something must die… Eros is contains an ecstatic kind of feeling, a feeling nearing the level of religious ecstasy and catharsis. And the erotic experience rightly belongs to the realm of the religious, the mystical, and the creative. It’s an intensely powerful feeling that can be quite overwhelming.

Eros Refused?
If, on the other hand, Eros is refused – not honored or given life – Eros and the god Pluto (Hades) who rules Scorpio then becomes the uninvited god. And Pluto has a nasty way of dragging you down to the underworld, where there is no life – into the land of the living dead. Then – that same passionate intensity which accompanied us into the heights of erotic love – accompanies us into the depths of the underworld….”Eros is the world’s greatest teacher….”Plato

But Eros is not the final destination on our journey of love…. The final stop on our journey through the Zodiac is with the sign of Aquarius and agape.

*This article was shared with me by a dear friend who is now in spirit.

Mar Heshvan – Scorpio : Kabbalistic Astrology

Mar Heshvan – Scorpio : Kabbalistic Astrology


The month of Scorpio is a Left column water sign and is ruled by Mars and PlutoWater signs are very emotional, but Scorpions are extremely irrational when their emotions are involved. They are excessive and go to extremes, both in positive and negative respects. In the world of Scorpio there is only black and white. For example if you are not their friend, you are their nemesis and you will with certainty be treated as such.

 Mars which rules the month of Scorpio is the Greek God of War. Scorpions are like gladiators they will eliminate their nemesis at any cost with no concern of who they bloody in their path. Scorpio’s love power and control. They do not waver, they do not falter, and will stay the course with absolute determination which can result in unnecessary force.

 Pluto rules life and death in addition to the power and energy of the seed, which manifests as new life, rebirth. Scorpio rules the genitalia and makes them very sexual by nature. They seek to engage in sexual activity at almost any cost with much power and fervor often resulting in damage to their reproductive and sexual organs leading to STD’s, impotency, infertility, and cancer.

 Scorpio is a fixed sign which means they dislike change and fear losing control. They are not flexible and it is generally their way or the highway. In the world of Scorpio it is created of extremes. If they love someone and the feelings are not mutual, this love can quickly turn into hate. It is extremely difficult for Scorpios to forgive as well as forget. If you betray a Scorpio they will not rest until they get their revenge even to the point of creating your demise. The karma (Tikkun : Correction) of Scorpions to channel their energy to the Central column to they can live, love, and let go.

 On a positive note, Scorpios are great business people. They love money for they equate it with power. They can be great politicians, doctors, physiologist, astrologers, and financiers. Metaphysically they are powerful with strong mystical powers and knowing.

However if they choose the wrong path they can be the most ruthless members of the mafia or gangs.

 Mar Heshvan in Hebrew means bitter Heshvan, but it can be transformed into Ram Heshvan (elevated Heshvan). The Scorpio is the only creature that can sting itself to death, however in an elevated form they can soar like an Eagle. I takes much conscious effort and self control to make this transformation, but for those who do they make the world a much better place.

 The Flood of Noah‘s day took place in the month of Mar Heshvan and this was not by coincidence. The world had become so corrupt at that time that God saw no alternative to destroying this world of wickedness. Please note that “world” is not the same as “earth”. Scorpio is an energy of excesses and naturally this type of energy would be more than suitable for a great deluge. During the month of Scorpio it is good to focus on destructive patterns and transmute them into positive ones. Let go of ill feelings we harbor and grudges that we cling to.

I want to end this on a positive for all Scorpios for I do have immediate family members born in this energy and I love them whether they be good, bad, or indifferent. According to Hindu astrology, The Scorpio people are allied to the great powers of the ocean of this planet. This is the middle sign of the Water Triplicity. Scorpio people are wonderfully strong, as the planetary and solar forces which surge through them constantly, give them great magnetism and vitality. Any person born in this sign has great possibilities, so we earnestly urge them to realize their greatness. Many a sage and wise men and women are born in this sign, and they have set down many rules which, if followed, will lead the Scorpio person to the greatest success. The most helpful men and women come out of this sign; and the world can rejoice every time a Scorpio person is born. Oh, you blessed people, what strength and power for success and happiness you have! You are the salt of the earth.