Kabbalistic Astrology; Easter and Passover, Days of Power

The traditional story of Passover tells of slavery, exile, and eventual freedom for the Israelites from the land of Egypt.

Traditionally, this slavery has been depicted as brutally hard work under slashing whips, with an abundance of blood, sweat, and tears. The ancient Kabbalists, however, brought to light some interesting facts that have largely been overlooked by Rabbis, Priests, and scholars alike.

On a literal level, the, the Passover story tells us that the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt for 400 years. They were slaves and the sons of slaves–captives of the hard-hearted Pharaoh, ruler of Egypt.

Then there came a great leader named Moses. On a mission from god, Moses won freedom for his people. He then led them on a long and arduous journey including that famous detour through the Red Sea. Eventually they arrived at Mount Sinai, and had a date with destiny.

But here’s the interesting part: the Israelites are tasting freedom for the first time in centuries, yet they begin whining and complaining the moment it gets a little hot and dry in the desert. They even beg Moses to take them back to Egypt!  Are we to believe the Israelites actually had it pretty good in Egypt? Was life in the desert worse than slavery in Egypt?  Something isn’t right here. The literal story doesn’t make sense. Why year after year, are we supposed to recount this questionable story at the holiday known as Passover?


The entire biblical story is a code. Egypt is a code word for our ego and reactive behavior, so Egypt is a metaphor for humanity’s incessantly reactive, self-seeking nature. Any aspect of our nature that controls us is Egypt.

It’s the oldest master-slave relationship in Creation. And it takes many forms.  We’re imprisoned by the ego-based aspects of our material existence  We’re held in bondage by our reactive whims and egocentric desires  We’re enslaved by our reckless impulses  We’re held captive by our careers, jobs, and shallow relationships  We’re prisoners to other people’s perceptions of us  We’re incarcerated by our ego’s need for other people’s acceptance  We’re hostages to our constant need to outdo and one-up our friends  Our ego –the Satan*, the negative inclination–is our true taskmaster…the challenger–and the ego is so good at doing its job, most of us don’t even realize we are in bondage.

(*In Kabbalah Satan is pronounced Sa as in sat or Saturn and tawn…“Satan” not Say-tin.)


As long as they were slaves in Egypt, the Jews were not accountable or responsible for their lives. They were victims. If any chaos fell upon them, they did not have to look in the mirror and accept blame, it’s much easier to be a victim (slave) than it is to accept responsibility for life’s problems.

The victim mindset was the real slavery that was occurring in Egypt. The exile of the Jews led to genuine freedom and control over the cosmos, but with freedom and control there comes responsibility–and that was an uncomfortable prospect for the Jews. This is the spiritual significance behind the Jew’s constant complaints and desires to return to Egypt or Ego.

It was much easier and is for many in this time as well to say that events were and are simply “beyond our control.” the reality is that no event is beyond our control but our reactive nature blinds us from this freedom and this responsibility. All of a sudden we are challenged to look into the mirror and blame ourselves for the chaos and hardship that befalls us. But if we can accept this responsibility, we can have the power of freedom and control over the cosmos in the palm of our hand.


The rites and rituals connected to Passover are the cables by which spiritual current reaches our lives.  Let’s examine the inner spiritual significance behind some of the more common concepts of Passover.

Throughout history, the people have been ignorant of these explanations behind the rites and rituals of Passover. Consequently, the proper meditation and intent was lacking when they were carried out. This is why pain and suffering has been the trademark of the Jews for centuries. Each of us should appreciate that we now have Kabbalah to at least explain the actions and the spiritual forces behind them.


During the Eight Days of Passover, bread is replaced by Matzah. Bread is an all powerful tool in Kabbalah. Bread is a direct link to our internal reactive nature and ego. Just as bread has the power to expand and rise, our ego has the ability to expand and motivate us to rise to great heights in the material world. Matzah is like bread without ego, so that we can free ourselves from the slavery of reactive behavior and rise to great spiritual heights in our life.


Charity according to Kabbalah is not dependent upon how much one gives but rather how much one gives of himself, relative to his personal situation. In other words, charity that is given for tax purposes, plaques on a wall, names on a building, or honorary dinners are worthless in the spiritual realm. Many people do positive actions out of concern for what other people will say about them. Real charity is when we go outside of our comfort zone and there is a true element of sacrifice. Second, a charitable action must be concealed without any reward or recognition for the ego. The highest form of charity is when a person gives without ever knowing to whom he gave and the recipient does not know who gave to him. These kinds of acts bring genuine blessings to the giver.


Scientists and Kabbalists agree that reality consists of ten dimensions, each of which is expressed in our own spiritual make-up. In other words, our ego and our dark impulses encompass ten grades of negativity. There are 50 gates or levels of negativity. Once a person reaches the 50th gate, he is evil personified. There is no turning back. His opportunity for change and transformation in his present lifetime has vanquished.

The biblical story speaks of Ten Plaques that were unleashed upon Egypt. The ancient Kabbalah explained that this really means that ten blasts of energy were required to wipe out the ten levels of negativity that dwell within our human nature. Once the ten levels are removed, we achieve genuine freedom from the ego and the self.


Just as Passover offers the opportunity for freedom likewise Easter does as well.  Shortly after the vernal equinox is the mystic death and liberation. The Easter sun which at the vernal equinox commences to soar into the northern heavens after having laid down its life for the earth, we have the cosmic symbol of the verity of resurrection. It is an annual symbol to strengthen our souls in the work of well-doing that we may grow the golden wedding garment required to make us sons and daughters of God in the highest and holiest sense. It is literally true that unless we walk in the light as God is in the light, we are not in fellowship.  Easter Day marks the resurrection and liberation of the Christ Spirit from the lower realms, so that we may also continually look for the dawn of that day which shall permanently free us from the meshes of matter, from the body of sin and death, together with our brethren in bondage, for no true aspirant would conceive of a liberation that did not include all who were similarly placed

So essentially we realize that during this time of the year a window of opportunity is offered for all of us to take advantage of in one application or another to free ourselves from the bondage or slavery of our ego, our lower self, the Satan energy or the evil inclination and by doing so Satan’s grip of death is broken and suddenly we find ourselves on equal footing with our opponent. This does not mean that the resister has been destroyed but we have regained our footing on the playing field. Remember the challenger has no Light of his own so he depends entirely on our reactive behavior to appropriate this means.

Satan’s favorite weapon is time. Satan uses time to separate cause and effect. In other words, if we react and behave negatively, Satan uses time to delay the inevitable consequences. This time delay confuses us. We start thinking that we are actually getting away with our wrongful actions.  Likewise when we stop our reactions and become proactive sharing people, the fulfillment owing to us is also deferred by time. We start believing that good behavior goes unrewarded.

o compound the Confusion the next time we react negatively, Satan manipulates time once more and rewards us with the fulfillment that we earned from a prior positive deed. We begin to associate reactive behavior with pleasure. It appears as though selfish behavior generates fulfillment while good behavior produces chaos.  Satan can delay the consequences of our actions for months, years, decades, or even lifetimes. The result? Life appears to be one random, chaotic mess! A brilliant and potent strategy indeed.

So during this time an opportunity is afforded for us to escape the prison of our ego, our fear, and our insecurities. Modern physics tells us that energy never dissipates. The same spiritual energy of freedom returns every year at this time. Time is like a revolving wheel. The freedom that became available over 3,000 years ago in Egypt comes around again on this exact date. Events do not pass us by like a one-way freight train. We move through the wheel of time as it spins, revisiting the same moments each year. The only things that change are the “set decorations” that give us the illusion of a new year and a different life.

I choose to believe for I know all will be well in the long run. One of Satan’s favorite sayings is “I’ll believe it when I see it”’.

It is imperative that we believe for it is our belief that creates Miracles

In using Qabbalistic Numerology we can interpret the energy vortex of Passover and Easter… an energy which was created in the Universe within the astrological force known as Aries in the time zone of Nissan before the Earth was inhabited and this cosmic energy was created for all humankind to tap into not just a select few or any one particular group.

P     8     Transforming the Powers of the “Black” energy

A     1    Using the Intelligence of The Higher Self

S     6     To sustain

S     6     The Divine Soul

O    7     The Omnipresent God

V    6     Whose True Power takes care of business for the Home and Divine Soul

E    5    To execute rapid change

R    2    To procure release from negativity

4 + 1 = 5  The energy of God the Father, The “I AM”, promoting balance which procures the manifestation of the Shekinah, the feminine presence of God in our physical realm.

E     5    Taking immediate action

A    1    Using the Intelligence of the Higher Self

S    6     to discover the divine soul, the Home

T    9     By using and recognizing the power of

E   5     Active change

R   2     to avoid negative reactive behavior

2 + 8 = 1   Looking into matters and taking care of business in order to become one with the “I AM” presence  The energy of God the Mother and Nature actively utilizing the energy of the violet ray to create and provide freedom and passage to “New Life” essence.

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