“Connecting and Intimacy”

536787_213053682141461_100003104925265_353923_278428511_n“Connecting and Intimacy”

I often laugh when people write and tell me how “centered” I appear to be, because, like most people I experience a wide range of emotions.  I have deep needs for connection and intimacy…but my feelings can be easily hurt.

Our awareness of our inner selves and desire to connect to each other are great gifts and should not be underestimated.  The goal is to find the right tools to allow us to make the best use of our natural gifts rather than living our lives worrying about what the external world might think or how they might react to us.

Self-acceptance is not something that you tell yourself to have, but rather the result of paying attention to your innermost feelings and desires with care and compassion.  Too many of us live our lives constantly ready to judge our bodies, our feelings, and our thoughts against a false external standard.  How often have you lost track of your own essence and found yourself living according to what other people want and expect of you.

Real success comes from being in touch with what makes us tick and feeling comfortable in our own skin regardless of whether it is shiny, bumpy, fur-covered, scaly, etc… .  “Connecting” does not involve changing yourself in order to make someone else happy.  I believe that living a fulfilled life comes from learning how to listen to your inner voice, to the truth of your inner being in all of the ways that it speaks to you, and to live from that sacred place.

Special Credits and Thanks: My Maternal Grandmother, Rex Barker, My Best Friend Alice, Joel Osteen (Message today, #583 “The Yoke Destroyer” — from the worm to the butterfly.)

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