May 4, 1988 was to many a day as any other however for me this day would be a turning point in my life.  Tonight I would be meeting a person who would interrupt my life for the better.  Although I had been in communication with this person for months, we had never shared an actual photo to date.  We enjoyed endless hours of reading literature particularly on spiritual matters and listened to peaceful music for hours.  We both are fond of Secret Garden, husband and wife new age musicians.

As the Sun set I began feeling more anxious for soon I would be meeting this elusive person who would change my life forever.  I had reached the location in which we would meet and positioned myself comfortably in order to relax as much as possible.  Being as we had never actually seen each other, I began wondering as I had done many time in the past, what he would look like.  Would he have dark hair?  I thought he might for the energy I felt was that of a dark haired Prince. There was something very exciting indeed in anticipating our initial meeting.

A few hours  passed and he had not arrived.  Should I be worried, perhaps, but I wasn’t,  for I knew he would arrive as expected.  I gazed out the window and noticed that the sky was clear and bright stars danced throughout her canvas.  A gentle wind caused the branches of the tree outside to sway beautifully as if announcing the arrival of my much anticipated Prince.

I began to feel an unusual tightening in my abdominal area and called for the nurse.  She came in and checked me, then comforted me by saying, “I will return with the doctor. ” As the doctor entered the room my little guy was showing his crown.  Within 30 seconds his head came forth and then with another push Kirk Michael  arrived as expected.  The birth was an easy one for both of us and now after many months of anticipation my son was here cooing like a little koala bear.

The nurse placed Kirk in my arms and we both immediately acknowledged one another.  Tears welled up in my eyes as he wrapped his tiny fingers around my forefinger.  It was love at first sight.  There was not much need for verbal communication, for it was as if we both knew what the other was thinking.  From that day forward I truly knew what joy was and I was no longer in pursuit of happiness.

Kirk is now 25 and we still share a unique bond.  To this day we telepathically communicate, often finishing one another’s sentences or stating something that the other is thinking.  We totally respect and trust one another as much as two people can within this world.  Kirk is an old, wise soul and I often describe him as the reincarnation of my father from another life.   Although Kirk is my child, since his birth he has contributed stability to my life, which in all appearances was chaotic.  He is the one person I have come to know who I admire more than any other soul I have encountered on my life journey.

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