Tag Archives: Other Beings of LIght

Encounters with Angels and Other Beings of Light

HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS 001Encounters with Angels and other beings of Light

Angel Letters — Angela Sexton of California

My name is Angela and I am thirteen years old. I have read many books on Angels and I want to share my story. When I was around nine my uncle was murdered and I knew this before anyone told me. While I was playing a warm breeze swept over me and I felt something just wasn’t right. Later that evening I overheard my parents talking and saying that he had been killed.

A few days later I dreamed of my Uncle and his eyes were so beautiful and clear. I have never seen so much light and what I remembered most was his eyes and it is just as they say “The eyes are the window to your soul.”

A few days later I had another dream and this time my Uncle was sitting beside my bed in a chair. He said he could stay for the night for the Men in White said that God said it was all right. His voice was so soft and the room was pleasantly warm with his presence. Before he left he implored me to be good for spending time in the purgatorial caverns is no fun and can be worse than any experience encountered here on earth. When he left the chair in which he sat glowed and until this day when I sit in it I feel warm, loved, and safe.

Angel Letters — Caroline Hart of Ohio

My first encounter with an Angel occurred when I was 16 years of age. I had just recently graduated from High School and was invited by a family member who lived in Iowa to come visit and stay for a time. I decided to go so I caught the Greyhound Bus in a small town in Ohio with the first stop and transfer being Cincinnati. I was a young naive country bumpkin who apparently appeared nervous and under my breath I was saying, “Oh Lord please be with me for I am scared.” Before I even finished the words I heard a voice say, “May I help you?” When I turned I saw a seemingly tall black man with large soft brown eyes, dressed conservatively and he seemed to glow! I had my ticket in my hand and he said, “let me take a look — well child it appears we will be sharing this ride.” He picked up my luggage and escorted me to the correct bus and we were seated. He then said, “just rest child for it is a long trip to Chicago — just sleep and dream.”

When we arrived in Chicago it was chaotic and I was required to transfer to another bus again. The layover was three hours which could have been dangerous for a young naive teenage girl like myself — however this kind stranger once again carried my luggage, made certain that I ate something and watched my luggage while I freshened up in the ladies room. As I reflected back on this kind stranger — he never ate — didn’t have any luggage of his own — and never went to the men’s room.

Once again the kind stranger escorted me to my bus. This time he smiled and said,” Child, all will be well from here, the bus goes directly to Davenport and your family will be waiting there for you.” As I got on the bus I thought, “Oh how rude of me — I didn’t thank him and I don’t know his name.” Only a few moments had passed but when I turned my strange friend was gone and was no where in sight. Now of course I realize this gentle being was indeed an Angel — apparently the Most High realized and provided guidance along with protection on this possibly intrepid journey.

When I shared this beautiful experience with my family they appeared afraid and began scolding me for they said he could have been a pimp,a rapist or worse. They were at a point were they had lost all their magic concerning life and were very negative concerning such matters — but I didn’t care what they said for God did indeed send an Angel to watch over me!

Caroline also shared that she appreciated the Lord sending her an Angel bearing the image of a black man for her family was very racially discriminating and after this experience she accepted that we all are of the same essence and the color of the flesh is only how we choose to interpret or label it. To this day it pleasantly amazes me how the Creator sends the appropriate angel(s) bearing the presence respected within that particular environment — serving not only physical needs and naturally spiritual but psychological as well.

Roger’s Savior

It was a special evening. Roger was on his way home for a long-overdue night out with his wife. While he was driving his company truck on the freeway, he noticed traffic coming to a stop ahead. He began putting on his breaks when he noticed a Toyota 4-Runner coming behind him very fast. Too fast to be able to stop. In an instant, he was struck from behind at such force that his truck overturned and slid into the middle of oncoming traffic. As his truck toppled, his tool box, which was in the seat next to him, exploded open and all of the tools came flying out, smashing into Roger’s body. The blinding lights of the oncoming traffic were headed strait for his overturned truck. He closed his eyes and listened as they all screeched to a stop and missed him by inches.

The next thing Roger knew, there was a man standing at the truck telling him to hold on, he was going to get him out. He reached in and helped Roger out of the truck. Once out, the stranger ran his hands over Roger’s body, asking him if he was ok and was anything broken. To Roger’s amazement, he seemed fine. No broken bones. Once the man observed that Roger would be ok, he said “You are going to be ok. I have to go now, but help is on his way.” The man then walked away and disappeared.

Traffic was at a complete stop due to this accident. The freeway was completely shut down, and no one could go anywhere, yet this man was nowhere in site. He did not get into any car, he simply walked away and could not be found.

People began to crowd around Roger, and the ambulance eventually arrived to take him to the hospital, where he was later released with just a few scratches.

What Roger later found out, was the man who came and helped him out of the car was a special “Angel.” After gathering at a friends house for a party a few months later, the woman who owned the house was talking about her son who had died in a car accident. When she shared pictures of her son, Roger exclaimed “That’s him!” The young man in the picture was the young man who pulled Roger out of the truck that fateful night.

Interestingly, when the young man was killed in the accident, he was crushed to death. This explains why he ran his hands over Roger’s body to see if everything was OK once Roger was out of the car.

The woman gave a few pictures of her son to Roger so that he could have something to refer to whenever he needed to be reminded of the Angels in his life.

Amy’s Daddy

Five-year old Amy had been worried about her Daddy. He had been called away on a special assignment for the Army. Because of this special assignment, he was unable to contact Amy’s mom or Amy. They had gone so long without hearing from him, and Amy was beginning to think something bad might have happened to him.

One night while sleeping, Amy was awakened by something glowing in the corner of her room. She sat straight up in bed. What was it? As she watched, the glow became larger and more radiant. Amy saw something in its center. Why, it was a figure of a woman.

The lady moved closer to her, somehow bringing the light with her. She sat down on the side of Amy’s bed and took hold of Amy’s hand. Amy wasn’t scared at all. “Amy, listen to me,” the beautiful woman said. Her voice was like gold, all shimmery and lovely. “Amy, you have been very worried about your Daddy, but you don’t need to be afraid.

Daddy! This lady knew Amy’s daddy. “Where is he?” Amy asked.

“He’s in Mexico, on a special mission just as your mother told you,” the lady explained. “I am watching over your father and I’ll make sure he comes home safely to you when his job is finished. You help your mom while your waiting for him. All right?”

“Yes!” Amy replied. The bright figure then faded away.

A few weeks later, Amy’s daddy came home safe and sound.

Michelle’s Journey

Michelle was a teacher and driving to school one fall morning. There was a white van ahead of her. Farther down she could see several ten or eleven year old boys ready to cross the street to go wait at a bus stop.

Suddenly, a car zoomed past Michelle on the right. Horrified, she realized that the boys were in the middle of the street up ahead. All but one had already passed the center line; the last boy was slower. He obviously thought he had enough time to cross in front of the van and Michelle. But his view of the speeding car to her right was blocked – and Michelle realized that it would hit him.

Michelle felt so helpless as she was too far away to do anything. She began to pray and speak to her Angels. What she saw next was hard to describe.

It was if an arm literally pushed the boy from behind. His back arched, his head was thrown back, and his feet seemed propelled forward by someone behind him. In a second or two, the boy was safely on the sidewalk. He was looking back to see who had pushed him as Michelle drove by. He had a shocked expression on his face as he realized that there was no one behind him. No one he could see, that is.

“EARTH ANGELS” Homeless man’s life an example of the least of these.

Every Sunday he brought her a rose. A small red rose. She didn’t know where he got them. But every week last spring and summer, he walked in the church door with a rose in his hand. For her.

It was touching. But more than that, it affirmed something. How two people could be so different, could come from such distant places in life, and here in this church it didn’t matter. She had an address. He didn’t.

You could be that woman or you could be any one of Bobby Lyle’s friends and acquaintances on the street. Yes, Bobby had a way of making people feel like members of the human family. They felt that way before and after Valentine’s night when the man who lived mostly without an address fell asleep under a downtown Kansas City overpass and froze to death.

Robert Eugene Lyle was known around downtown. He’d drop by City Hall to chat with City Council aides. Council members knew him and appeared to respect him. He served on a board with church and city bigwigs. When talking about the plight of homeless people ~ he preferred they be known as “urban sojourners” ~ he was articulate and reasonable.

Although soft-spoken, he came to be viewed as a voice for the voiceless. No matter the issue, he pressed the belief that people regardless of their station in life or their luck, ought to be treated with dignity.

People also knew Lyle for his singing voice. Almost every Sunday at church Bobby Lyle sang at services. Some people called him Velvet because his smooth tenor brought to mind Nat King Cole.

Bobby’s address was wherever he dropped his sleeping bag. Muscular and fit, he apparently felt comfortable outdoors. Bobby was an independent spirit and his ethos was, “I carry my own pack and survive outdoors.” He had a quiet self-confidence. Indeed, No life is wasted when someone is able to move the hearts of others!

Written By Steve Paul